Anti-cellulite avocado dressing

When & How

The perfect creamy dressing for all your salads and grain bowls.


(1 serving)

½ ripe avocado

15 fresh basil leaves

2 tbsp EVOO

1/3 cucumber (or water, to adjust the consistency)



Blend all the ingredients until obtaining a creamy dressing.



A true and real anti-aging fruit due to its richness in monounsaturated fat (the good one), Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Glutathione, and lutein, all indispensable for skin health and glow. This fruit is also rich in potassium (more than a banana!), an essential mineral for bodily fluid balance and so it helps eliminate water retention.




Basil is an adaptogen, a type of plant that increases body resistance to stress, helping re-establish physical and mental wellbeing. 


This vegetable contains azulene which has anti-inflammatory, decongesting and vaso-protecting properties. So it helps with cellulite and water retention.

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