How To Boost Your Sleep And Feel At Best

Here are a few tips to boost the quality of your sleep and feel at best throughout the day

  • Get 15 – 20 minutes of sunlight exposure as one of the first things in the morning. It doesn’t need to be sunny, cloudy weathers work too. Light exposure will hit the retina and signal your brain to stop melatonin production and start producing cortisol (at a healthy level). Any light will work, including electronics, but sunlight will give you that vitamin D (immunity) boost!  
  • Avoid blue light after 10 pm and lower the lighting around your house to promote melatonin production and good sleep.
  • For dinner focus on carbs (high-quality carbs such as whole grains, legumes, and organic potatoes) and avoid hard-to-digest proteins like meats and fatty seafood.
  • Take L-theanine, lemon balm, magnesium glycinate, and ashwagandha supplements to help relax the nervous system.
  • Apply magnesium oil on your shoulders or abdomen right before hitting the bed.    
  • Avoid caffeine after 2 pm. Caffeine can take up to 9 hours to be metabolized. Pregnancy and oral contraceptives can slow down the process (think that in the third trimester, caffeine can stay in your blood for up to 15 hours).
  • Use lavender candles or lavender essential oil to promote relaxation.
  • Avoid working out late at night. Working out forms cortisol inside the body and would negatively affect melatonin production and sleep.

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