Colon-cleansing side dish 2 

When & How

Lunch: pair with your favorite protein and 40-50g of grains. 

Lunch Ideas:

  • Roasted salmon and 1 small sweet potato
  • Lean beef or turkey burgers with quinoa
  • 200g (cooked weight) lentils sauteed with olive oil, sage and rosemary 
  • 2 sunny side up eggs on avocado toast


Dinner: use it as a detox, gut-friendly appetizer or side

Dinner Ideas:

I recommend eating this side dish before eating your carbs to reduce sugar absorption.

  • Lentil pasta with tomato sauce & basil 
  • Couscous with shrimps  
  • Stir-fried wild rice with 1 poached egg
  • 1 potato sauteed with evo oil, sage, garlic, and rosemary


(2 servings) 

  • ½ eggplant 
  • Endives 
  • 1 tbsp cumin powder 
  • 1 tsp cumin seed
  • Olive oil, salt, and black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 380 F / 190 C. Cut eggplant into cubes. Spread out the eggplant in a single layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, cumin powder, and black pepper. Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes.
  2. Slice endives. 
  3. Combine the veggies in a bowl. Drizzle with some extra olive oil and sprinkle with cumin seeds.



The skin has an “irritating” action on the intestines, making it ideal for healthy bowel movements and regularity. Eggplant contains iodine and iron, which stimulate metabolism and the nervous system. This makes it a good pre-workout veggie and the perfect pick-me-up before an intense afternoon at the office or school. 


The characteristic bitterness of endives is functional to metabolism. This veggie has a potent diuretic and draining action and optimizes the cleansing action of the recipe while helping with water retention. 


Cumin helps prevent gastrointestinal gas formation and acts as a potent anti-inflammatory optimizing digestion.


The fat that doesn’t make you fat! Olive oil helps speed up intestinal transit optimizing digestion, energy levels and blood sugar control. It also increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin D, K, A, E).  

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